Fantastic Four:Worlds Greatest Heroes Wiki

Powerhouse (Franklin Richards) is a superhero in the Marvel Universe, the son of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, and the older brother of Brainstorm.

Powers & Abilities[]




  • Power Loss: Franklin's powers can be burned out through overuse. However, while on Krakoa his powers fade to a much slower extent.
    • Franklin expended the rest of his powers in battle in a single punch, currently making him a depowered mutant. Due to this, the Krakoan gates do not recognize him as a mutant, and he is unable to use them.
      • It turns out, Franklins cosmic powers made him into a mutant subconsciously, and when he lost them, he didn't become a depowered mutant, but instead just a depowered human mutate, as he truly was before.



  • Fantastic Four Uniforms:


  • Kontol