The following is the list of episodes of the anime-influenced animated television series Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes. Most episodes of Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes ended with the 40 second "epilogue" scene just before the closing credits started to roll over.

- Trial By Fire
- Doomed
- Doomsday
- Hard Knocks
- My Neighbor Is A Skrull
- World's Tiniest Heroes
- Zoned Out
- Imperious Rex
- Puppet Master
- Impossible
- Bait And Switch
- Annihilation
- De-Mole-Ition
- Revenge Of The Skrulls
- Molehattan
- Strings
- Doomsday Plus One
- The Cure
- Frightful
- Out Of Time
- Atlantis Attacks
- Shell Games
- Johnny Storm And The Potion Of Fire
- Contest Of Champions
- Doom's Word Is Law
- Scavenger Hunt