Fantastic Four:Worlds Greatest Heroes Wiki

The following is the list of episodes of the anime-influenced animated television series Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes. Most episodes of Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes ended with the 40 second "epilogue" scene just before the closing credits started to roll over.

  1. Trial By Fire
  2. Doomed
  3. Doomsday
  4. Hard Knocks
  5. My Neighbor Is A Skrull
  6. World's Tiniest Heroes
  7. Zoned Out
  8. Imperious Rex
  9. Puppet Master
  10. Impossible
  11. Bait And Switch
  12. Annihilation
  13. De-Mole-Ition
  14. Revenge Of The Skrulls
  15. Molehattan
  16. Strings
  17. Doomsday Plus One
  18. The Cure
  19. Frightful
  20. Out Of Time
  21. Atlantis Attacks
  22. Shell Games
  23. Johnny Storm And The Potion Of Fire
  24. Contest Of Champions
  25. Doom's Word Is Law
  26. Scavenger Hunt