Fantastic Four:Worlds Greatest Heroes Wiki

Puppet Master is the ninth episode of Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes and it first aired on June 16, 2007.


While at the beach, a piece of the irradiated Von Doom space station fell into orbit and crashed, causing the sand to become a clay. Alicia's dad took some of the clay and took control of Ben to kidnap 3 artists but alicia saved the day as she was the one who broke the statues and the Puppet Master went to jail but already has some of the clay.


Reed Richards

Hiro Kanagawa
Suzan Storm Lara Gilchrist
Jhonny Storm Christopher Jacot
Ben Grimm Brian Dobson
Puppet Master Alvin Sanders
H.E.R.B.I.E Samuel Vincent
Alicia Masters Sunita Prasad